Jun 6·edited Jun 7Liked by ⚡Thalia The Comedy Muse⚡

I would have to say my mother was the funniest person I have known. She would come up with one liners, that made everyone laughed. She was a natural comedian for sure. I believe in another world, without her mental health conditions she would have been a great comedian. I did recently try stand-up myself and it went pretty good.

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Thats awesome. My family is hilarious as well

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Jun 6Liked by ⚡Thalia The Comedy Muse⚡

Me. I am also the most self-delusional person I know.

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Jun 6Liked by ⚡Thalia The Comedy Muse⚡

One of the funniest people I know (or knew in college) was a guy named Tom. Stories of his exploits followed him. Doing laundry in the dorm, he would remove all his clothes and put them in the washer, then return naked to put them in the dryer. Then return once more in the buff to remove them from the dryer and put them back on.

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Jun 6Liked by ⚡Thalia The Comedy Muse⚡

A boy in a previous class made money from his uncle. Each time his uncle was drunk, the boy used to bet him that he couldn't bite his own nose. Surprisingly, his uncle felt for this every time and made the boy a small stash.

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dang that's advanced drunk lol. The type of drunk I guess you wouldn't remember you fell for that prank heh

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Jun 6Liked by ⚡Thalia The Comedy Muse⚡

That boy is a comedy genius. The stories he could tell were truly brilliant.

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It is funny. I write comedy but honestly I feel like there are tons of funnier people than me that I know. I just bother to write funny stuff down.

People like that are just funny without thinking about it. Always good to have around.

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Jun 6Liked by ⚡Thalia The Comedy Muse⚡

I agree. I too write comedy but some people just ooze it

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I'm close friends with standup comedian Christopher Titus. Known him going on 20 years. I related to his comedy in a lot of ways, and the level of personal dysfunction. He's a brilliant storytelling comedian.

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Jun 6Liked by ⚡Thalia The Comedy Muse⚡

The funniest person Mustard knows (or knew) is Charlie Chaplin. Chaplin was always falling over and getting hit with items accidentally while on set.

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Haha. I’ve never seen any of his movies. Some of his stunts are insane though.

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