Amazon just came out with one too. It’s an Alexa that looks like a dog and follows you around the house. They made it look like a dog so Amazon tracking your every move wouldn’t feel creepy lol.

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Oh wow thats insane. Astro is crazy

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I'm gonna have to look that up

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So it's definitely spying on you and since it's Alexa data and voice files are stored, does it have a camera. Jeff Beezos is getting eyes and ears in your house and on your family since everyone found out about Ring he was like Hey folks, look what I've got for you today! 🤣

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Don't worry about it! He's not spying on you. The Indians and Chinese companies that he has outsourced his legal liability to are spying on you.

Also not scary that Ring locked some guy out of his house when he was deemed a bad customer.

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I read something where a cop got caught hacking into a chick's ring cameras and was spying on her and passing it around the office. Creepy McCreeperfuxk style.

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Unfortunately they lack the characteristic I admire in dogs, their goofy personalities. But what kind of nightmare did these people endure in childhood for them to think up these are great ideas. 🙄. Fun article Thalia.

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What could go wrong?

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I saw two kids the other day outside with their robot dogs and I was thinking to myself yo how sad it is that these kids are being taught to take the robot dog for a walk.

Your line re Rob from KY checkmating Terminator is freaking gold!! 🤣

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Thanks! Maybe parents should have robot dogs walk kids now!

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Palintir is working on them. 😁

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{Schwarzenegger voice} it’s not a beagle!

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A potential nemesis for my canine superheroine....

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Oh no! It's THE THERMONATOR!!!!!!

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Ah! You beat me to it! 🤣 When I saw this in the news a couple of weeks ago, I thought, “My Substack friends must know about this!” But I sat on it too long. Isn’t this just the craziest idea?!

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Boston Dynamics is collaborating with Ballantine Books for a 70th Anniversary release of their flagship robot hound.

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The Black Mirror episode "Metalhead" comes to mind…and not in a good way. Yikes. 😬 😱

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May 10
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Maybe this is how the modern Gladiatorial arena will work.

Coleman vs Thermonator


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