Hello God Tier Readers,
New paid subscriber benefits are finally here and I’m having a sale!!!
What do paid subscribers get?
Monthly Reader’s Choice Articles - Paid subscribers will be able vote every month on the next topic of my article. Want me to interview your favorite fictional character or write a post about your favorite cereal? (Wait for this Tuesday’s article!) Once a month I will post in our chat and ask my paid subscribers to discuss and vote for the next article topic!
Article Archives - I will be paywalling 1/4 of my articles one month after they are posted. That means paid subscribers get more than 25 archived articles! Feel free to checkout the website and read the paywalled articles before they are archived!
Premium Subscription Sale!!!
To show my appreciation for supporting me early on, I’m dropping my paid subscription price to $0.98/month for the yearly subscription!!!
Once you sign up this sale price will lock in FOREVER!!! I will probably never have this sale again! (I barely make any money from it.) After I get 100 paid subscribers and the bestseller checkmark on my profile, the price will revert back to normal.
This is just the beginning! I plan on adding more and more benefits in the future. Thank you for your support! Your paid subscriptions let me know to keep on writing and produce more things that make you laugh!
Take care,