Local Slob Embraces Robots Stealing Everyone's Jobs 🤖
He's not lazy. He's efficient.
With the sudden worry about AI taking all of our jobs, we decided to interview Glendale, KY residents and see their thoughts on the matter.
“I don’t do any work already. Checkmate Terminator.”
-Rob Nogoworski, Barstool Warmer
“Robots are going to do all my work for me??? YAAAAAAAAAY!!!”
-Phil Philmuth, Tax Accountant
“Does that mean my husband is going to be home all day???”
-Jenny Hedake, Mother
“Please I really don’t want to go home. Work is the only place I can relax.”
-Jon Hedake, Hostage Negotiator
“Will they beat up Skylar for a nickel?”
-Braxton Hedake, Recess Fight Club Organizer
“With this free time I can finally dedicate it to making truly life changing art that can improve humanity… NOOOOOT. RAGER AT MY PLACE!!!!!!!!”
-Miller Jefferson, Satire Writer
“I’d like to see a robot try to do what I do. He’s gotta drop Skylar off at soccer practice then bring him to his electric guitar lessons. He’s also got a science fair project due tomorrow so good luck with that. Maddyson has dance practice on the other side of town and she needs her gluten free, non GMO, kosher, zero carb, almond milk snacks so her blood sugar doesn’t drop, and it can only be made at home. She’s also meeting her friends later on because it’s Peyton’s birthday so she also needs a present.”
-Mrs. Candy Vrum, Soccer; Electric Guiter; Dance; Gluten Free, Non GMO, Kosher, Zero Carb, Almond Milk Chef; Volunteer Taxi Driver Mom
Are you afraid of robots doing your work?
What if automation lowers the price of Ferrari’s so much anyone can get one?
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Ah, the laid back, relaxing dream being a hostage negotiator. Many an overworked person's fantasy.