Another fun, I'm not sure where I belong yet. Perhaps you missed the perpetual lost soul stuck in limbo unsure which category to stick to, so much for unfinished business 😅.
You forgot the isolated highly delusional visual artist who refuses to accept the fact that in general people don’t respond to that piece you poured your soul into. They just want anime waifus and memes.
Now, the Substack archetype list is complete! I enjoyed the satire, but I can't say I saw myself in the travel writing description since I haven't taken a holiday in five years, nor would I ever call a country "a foreign place," but rather, "a place." I don't have one single reference point to call home and "not foreign." As for the culture writers, we need to split that category in two on Substack because those at the top of the "Culture" section are really "Upper-middle-class American culture war writers regurgitating unoriginal ideas about movies like Barbie or eating Avocado Toast."
Another fun, I'm not sure where I belong yet. Perhaps you missed the perpetual lost soul stuck in limbo unsure which category to stick to, so much for unfinished business 😅.
There are some deep jabs here 😜
I'm definitely the life coach and not ashamed to admit it! Hahaha, hilarious.
Covers almost everyone 😂😂
I just want to know if the photos are AI or what because they scare and delight me as much as the prose
They are AI
Al who?
Ha ha. Live these 3. posts. I think I’ve sort of escaped fitting any of the categories entirely but I’m not entirely innocent either. 😂
That's not possible!!! 😄
It’s funny seeing other people through your listing but of course I would never belong to one of your shallow symptoms. Lol
But something occurred to me last night and now again.
We need more goddamn laughter. We need to make fun of people and ourselves.
I think being a comedian is harder these days with cancel culture and people being offended.
But seeing humor in life will increase our longevity.
Thanks for the read!
Yup! I started this because I thought there was a lack of it!
Um… can I get in on that Stacky Coin ico? plz thx and thank you
Just savage, awesome.
Haha! I survived round 1, but "The Substack Supremacist" got me...
Too funny.
Look, let me help you fix your life... 😂🤣
Don't mind me. I'll be sitting over here now, contemplating my basic-ass life choices ...
You forgot the isolated highly delusional visual artist who refuses to accept the fact that in general people don’t respond to that piece you poured your soul into. They just want anime waifus and memes.
#6 is the best. It literally made me laugh out loud. Which rarely happens when I read stuff and was also just what I needed this morning.
Thank you for this.
Glad you enjoyed it!
Midlife crisis/endless self exploration 🙋♀️
Now, the Substack archetype list is complete! I enjoyed the satire, but I can't say I saw myself in the travel writing description since I haven't taken a holiday in five years, nor would I ever call a country "a foreign place," but rather, "a place." I don't have one single reference point to call home and "not foreign." As for the culture writers, we need to split that category in two on Substack because those at the top of the "Culture" section are really "Upper-middle-class American culture war writers regurgitating unoriginal ideas about movies like Barbie or eating Avocado Toast."
Thalia, I survived but I'm barely hanging on. It's touch and go. Could go either way at this point.